Interesting Apps For I Phone/I Pad Users}

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Submitted by: Polly Quinton

There are times when you start realizing that the stuff on your iPhone are getting obsolete and need to get updated or replaced. You might want to change things a bit with new apps or something that would be more exciting than before. Given here is a list of handful apps that are worth the download in your iPhone or your iPad.

Pitching Rada

Athla Velocity, as the name sounds is an app that gives you the thrill of handling a ball virtually. You will be actually able to keep a record of its track, speed and the directions it moves. The best part is that you will be able to do so with four different games that involve balls. Now what you need to do is place your iPad or your iPhone 20 feet away from wherever you are standing and then start. No matter which sport you are indulging in, bowling, tennis, baseball or soccer. This app will tell you precisely about all the relevant and important details. You can download the free version right now or make an in- app purchase of the radar that accurately measures for each sport by spending just $6.99.


Match Mesh up

If you are the one who has been playing minesweeper then you will like A Few Billion Square Tiles. As the name suggests it is all about matching tiles but rather different than what you had been expecting. You need to find and locate without getting blown up. The best part is that you get to compete against other players, as this is a multi-player game. This way you get to engage in competing against other players and become the highest scorer. This game is freely available on the App Store.

Music app

For all those who want to keep discovering music and artists will love the latest version of Cameo. After being recently acquired by Vimeo major changes have been made to this app. You will love to indulge in this app with its music player / sound track browser. This means that this app is equipped to serve as a music discovery tool. This app is recently updated and your e-mail is now integrated with your Vimeo accounts. You will be able to discover how other users are on the app with videos.

Soccer Competition

If you are a great fan of FIFA, football or to say soccer then you will love the new app by Nike. The Nike Soccer is one such app that has recently emerged as a full entertainer. You will be able to browse, purchase and locate soccer-themed gear. This will help you connect with likeminded people and soccer fans worldwide. This way you will get a chance to meet soccer fans that will be in your friend circle called crews. Soccer themed emoji, games, competing with each other, all this is what you get.

Shopping Fun

Shopping is fun for many but if you take it on digital level then there is more to it. Slice is one such shopping app that enables you in scanning your digital receipts. The best part is that all your receipts that land up in your Inbox are available for scan by this app. This helps you keep a tab on how much you spend on your shopping. Additionally, for those who are always on a look out for deals will easily get an alert about it. Whether it is about latest product deals, product recalls or price drops – you will have it all. You can always have it all on your fingertips without having the hassle of discovering it elsewhere. This app is available for iOS and Android users.

About the Author: Polly M Quinton is an ardent technician associated with Qresolve online computer support with wide experience of fixing issues with PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphone.


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