Wedding Invitations Etiqette 101

Submitted by: Sarrah Beaumont

Not so long ago, wedding invitations could be given out by word of mouth, telephone conversations, mailed invitations or hand-delivered invitations. Nowadays, we receive invitation be e-mails, SMS or even online messaging devices! No matter how the news is delivered, wedding invitations should contain the following essentials:

Who – No explanation needed. I mean, come on, what is an invitation if you could not even give out the name of the bride and the groom?!

What – What is the occassion? For the clueless, this is extremely essential. Your guests might bring in tons of gifts for a baby.

When – The date and time of the occassion. Make sure you got the date and the time right. Should you have any changes prior to the distribution of the wedding invitations, inform the guests immediately.

Where – Note down where the wedding ceremony will be held, and where the dinner reception will be. You may opt to post in a map, should you feel the vibe that your guest have the tendency to be, uh, lost.


You do not need to put in the other details such as the brand of your wedding dress, your wedding store, the size of your wedding ring or the name of the store where you ordered your wedding cake in Mississauga. You get my drift, right.

The physical size of the wedding invitation matters – believe it or not. It does not have to be the same as the wedding cakes in Mississauga. What I mean is, if your ceremony has very few guests, you may opt for a more personal feel — think smaller, hand written, or calligraphed invitations. For a more extravagant wedding, you may use a larger, grander stationery.

Consider how formal or informal the occasion is. For formal affairs, do away with bold, bright wedding invitations, instead, opt for subdues and elegant tones. Classic does it for these more formal occasions. If you’re having a non-traditional celebration, go ahead and pick out that neon green-themed wedding invitation that your heart desires.

Traditional or modern? It is up to you. If your wedding celebration is more on the traditional side, then it would be wisest to go for traditional off-white, gold or ecru wedding invitations. Contemporary invitations are much more fun, though. Instead of the usual rectangle-shaped wedding invitations, the new ones come in square, hear-shaped, rounded corners with a wider choice of colors.

Ah, the theme, of course. The cover of your invitation should reflect your wedding theme at a glance. A beach wedding invitation should have a loose, fun feel. Choose the right colors to bring out your theme. Bright colors are perfect for beach weddings, classic whites are for traditional grand weddings. For garden weddings, you can choose earth tones or subdued colors. The fonts play a part too. Choose the right font to complement both your wedding invitation and your theme.

Did you know that each season has a color? If you did not, here are some more tips for you. For winter weddings, choose deeper colors. For spring and summer weddings, go for pastels.

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